Some of our favorite things from the last week:
Mt. Kilimanjaro was OUT
baobabs are leafed out ( it is summer)
Flame trees are in full bloom
full moon over the Indian ocean
sunrise over the Indian Ocean
new friends from Victoria, B.C.
Zippy and D O G
fresh fish
greetings from our dear friends at Freedom Lodge
some of our least favorite things:
police checkpoints - about 1 per hour - some requiring payment
heat and humidity on an 11 hour drive to Pangani
Moshi- Arusha traffic
Endless school board meetings
Endless Diocese meetings
And, we love our students - many of the Form 5 and 6 have come to visit - including Frida John and her son, Dylan. (She is sponsored by Haldor) She is a delight, made bracelets for Marilyn, Kristina, Christine and me, works during the day, attends Arusha Technical college at night. Talk about a life saved.
Our Fredy Mollel has been invited to spend a month in Nebraska through the Mwangaza exchange program. He is VERY excited. We hope we can get him to WA while he's in the states. His wife, Edna is not quite so excited, as she is expecting twins while he is gone - or before.
Baraka is at school most of the week, but has Fridays and weekends off. So, we do get to see him - and he takes such good care of us!!!
Marilyn leaves tonight to go home for her sister-in-law's memorial service. I will miss having my friend here. But I will be fine - lots left to do for the kids and teachers. And, Elizabeth is here, too.
More tomorrow, maybe.
Salama, mary