lIt is Wednesday night , when Mary and I are usually at choir practice but
instead here we are clear across the world in Tanzania enjoying the company of good friends.
We went to dinner at a special small corner lunch counter that serves wonderful food...especially french fries... The first year I came to Tanzania, that is about all I ate. I now am drinking chai, a tea and we are using water from our well here at Ngatelu and I haven't gotten sick at all!
The weather had been typical of Washington winter weather with much rain...but it is warm out side. Our friends here are bundled up in hats, jackets and sweaters and Mary and I are just comfortable with the temperature.
We are getting to know the students by face and some even by name.
Mary and I are getting used to more primitive surroundings including no indoor bathroom at night. We have stooped to using a "p" pail which the security guard empties for us each morning. I have a little problem with that but getting better.
The students here are so bright and are eager to study and learn all they can to better themselves. It is so satisfying to see them head to head in the library pouring over their books and finding answers collectively on the subject at hand.
The teachers also are wanting their students to succeed and are in the classroom providing that guidance .
We lose electricity daily for a few minutes or hours but we are adapting to it. There i
s wonderful solar power here and we are lucky enough to be able to use our iPad and lap top utilizing solar power.
The form 4 students are waiting impatiently for their exam results which should be out by Feb 13th. They will also learn where they will be going on to school.
Our social life here keeps us busy after the school day...and we are anxious to be in bed in our PJ's by 7 pm most nights.
We both love it here and think we are the most blessed two people on earth...of course minus ongoing problems we must deal with regarding the Ngateu school.
more later.. Marilyn
instead here we are clear across the world in Tanzania enjoying the company of good friends.
We went to dinner at a special small corner lunch counter that serves wonderful food...especially french fries... The first year I came to Tanzania, that is about all I ate. I now am drinking chai, a tea and we are using water from our well here at Ngatelu and I haven't gotten sick at all!
The weather had been typical of Washington winter weather with much rain...but it is warm out side. Our friends here are bundled up in hats, jackets and sweaters and Mary and I are just comfortable with the temperature.
We are getting to know the students by face and some even by name.
Mary and I are getting used to more primitive surroundings including no indoor bathroom at night. We have stooped to using a "p" pail which the security guard empties for us each morning. I have a little problem with that but getting better.
The students here are so bright and are eager to study and learn all they can to better themselves. It is so satisfying to see them head to head in the library pouring over their books and finding answers collectively on the subject at hand.
The teachers also are wanting their students to succeed and are in the classroom providing that guidance .
We lose electricity daily for a few minutes or hours but we are adapting to it. There i
s wonderful solar power here and we are lucky enough to be able to use our iPad and lap top utilizing solar power.
The form 4 students are waiting impatiently for their exam results which should be out by Feb 13th. They will also learn where they will be going on to school.
Our social life here keeps us busy after the school day...and we are anxious to be in bed in our PJ's by 7 pm most nights.
We both love it here and think we are the most blessed two people on earth...of course minus ongoing problems we must deal with regarding the Ngateu school.
more later.. Marilyn